If you found this site by a shirt someone was wearing, please start by taking the Berean Challenge! In addition, if you have specifically come for more information on the Trinity or Jesus being God, I have compiled those articles into one place:
What About the Father?
The Message I am Called to Share
We Are Given Marriage to Help us Understand the Relationship Between the Father and the Son
Who is God? Is God a Trinity?
“I and my Father are one.” – John 10:30 KJV
What Happens When We are Saved, and Why Jesus and the Disciples were able to Perform Miracles
Was Jesus claiming to be God when he said “I am”?
“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me…” – John 14:11 (NKJV)
The Bigger Problem with the Trinity
Was Jesus Shouting He was God from the Rooftops?
How was Jesus Given Authority if he is God?