It’s interesting to me that whenever someone learns that I do not believe in the Catholic Trinity, unless they know me well already, they will do all manner of things from telling me that I am not a Christian to kicking me out of their home. My own father told me that I had to believe in the Trinity to be saved when I tried to explain my view to him, and then sent me articles on how to identify whether you are in a cult. This was particularly funny because I had only ever attended Trinitarian churches at that point. My views did not come from my church, they came from what was revealed to me through the holy spirit while I was reading the Bible front to back on my own.
What’s equally interesting, is that this view that one must believe in the Trinity to be saved, which is commonly held by Christians, is found nowhere in the Bible. According to the Bible, one must confess that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead. Those requirements have nothing to do with the existence of a trinity or not. When you explain this to them though, they will either completely dismiss it and stand by what they said, or sometimes they will quote the Scripture where Jesus explains that you must believe that he is who he says he is (John 8:24). Now we’re talking! This leads to the bigger problem with the trinity.
I digress though, before I talk about the bigger problem with the Trinity, I should address the “smaller” problem first. See, if I’m wrong about the Trinity, nothing happens. I am not required to believe in the Trinity for my salvation. If I am right, however, then Trinitarians have a problem. Particularly Trinitarians who interchange the names of God and Jesus, because that would be idolatry if it turns out that Jesus is not one and the same as God.
Now that we’ve discussed the smaller problem with the Trinity, let’s discuss the bigger problem with the Trinity that has been recently revealed to me. Using that same verse, John 8:24, where Jesus says you must believe he is who he says he is, we can clearly see the bigger problem with the Trinity by asking ourselves, Who did Jesus say he was? And I don’t mean who you believe he said he was or who your pastor told you he was. Who did he blatantly say he was over and over again as recorded in the Scriptures? Who did God reveal Jesus was during his baptism? There is only one answer to both of these questions: the Son of God. And here’s the problem. If you believe in the Trinity, you don’t believe that Jesus was who he said he was because he said that he was the Son of God, and that is not possible with the Trinity. With the Trinity, Jesus cannot be the Son of God, it is just God role playing. With the Trinity, God is not Jesus’s father, He is just role playing. With the Trinity, Jesus didn’t die on the cross for your sins, because God can’t die. But the Bible is very clear that Jesus did die on the cross, and there is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that would suggest that the Father and the Son are role playing.
Moreover, the entire Gospel can be summed up in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” Sadly, the Trinity denies this good news. The Trinity makes it impossible for Jesus to be the literal son of God and claims that the one God is just role playing. It, therefore, declares that God sent Himself to die on the cross and rewrites John 3:16 to “For God so loved the world that he gave HIMSELF, so that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”
God was in relationship with us in the beginning and nothing was ever confusing. He later gave us the Holy Scriptures so that we could have a guidebook to this life and everyone could know Him. He’s made everything as plain as day, including the relationship between Him and His son (1 Corinthians 14:33). If the Trinity doctrine were true, and especially if our salvation depends on it, wouldn’t Jesus have taught it? If not while he was alive, then after his resurrection? Why would Jesus not teach us something that is so important? Something that so many churches base everything on? Just ask yourself, Why wasn’t it taught?