The Bigger Problem with the Trinity
It’s interesting to me that whenever someone learns that I do not believe in the Catholic Trinity, unless they know me well already, they will do all manner of things…
The Message I am Called to Share
I’m writing this because God has called me to share what He has revealed to me through His spirit. God wants His children to understand the relationship He has with…
What About the Father?
Part 1: Should we give praise to, pray to, and thank only Jesus for the blessings in our lives? More and more I hear Christians praying directly to Jesus and…
Jesus Christ, What is his name? A Quick Overview.
Most people today have heard of God and Jesus, but not as many have heard of Yahweh, and even less have heard of Yahshua. Many Christians are surprised to learn…
When is the Sabbath?
The Sabbath, according to the Bible, is the last day of the week, established in Genesis 2:2 and 2:3 as a holy day. It is an appointed day of rest…