Welcome to KtF!

Discipling Christians to deepen their relationship with the Father

Pray to the Father

We start our walk as Christians by confessing with our tongues that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead. This is our first prayer as Christians. Continuing to pray to the Father each day and sharing our thoughts, troubles, hopes, and successes with Him is necessary for spiritual growth.

Read His Word

The easiest and most paramount way that we, as Christians, can show our love and devotion to God is by committing to reading His word every day. That alone can, and will, bring your relationship with Him to a new level. Remember to be a “doer” of the word as you read!

Discern Truth

Many times I have read a claim from a Christian source that listed a Bible verse, and when I checked the Bible verse, it did not line up with what was being claimed. As such, it is of utmost importance that we examine the Scriptures ourselves to help us discern the truth. Take the Berean Challenge!